Coping with low business season

hani anis is Kahani Digitala marketing and PR agency, and luxury brand Anis Collections.

All businesses experience peaks and valleys. Recently, I had one of the slowest months since starting a business. I call this my “off season,” and it’s been a huge learning process for me. I learned a lot about the way I run my business, my personality as a leader and my mindset. My “off season” lasted about six weeks, and I thought if you were going through the same thing, these suggestions might help you; they would also serve as my reflections as I go through the next off season.

1. Don’t use this time as an excuse to work overtime or overtime.

As business owners, we often start to panic when our work slows down and has an immediate impact on our revenue. We might feel that things would get better if we worked more — but often this just leads to further burnout. On the other end of the spectrum, some people relax during this time and avoid hard work. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum and they haven’t helped. For me, they make me feel worse, so when I catch myself doing this or that, I leave work for an hour or so to recharge and reset my mindset.

2. Communicate with your employees and rely on your network.

This is where open communication with your team is very important. If they feel there is something wrong with their leadership but they don’t know what, this can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, and can lead to further internal instability. Be open and honest with your team about what’s going on and the steps you’re taking. Along with this, starting a business can be especially lonely when you feel like your business is going slowly. It helps to talk to other friends in your network who you know will connect with you and help you. On the other hand, avoid talking to your competitors or those who don’t make you feel your best.

3. Take a break.

In my off-season, I find that the cause is influenced by what’s going on at work, but also by what’s going on in my personal life and my health. For me, the ultimate solution was to take a few days of mental health time. Now, I know this can be daunting, especially when you have a deadline, so do what you need to do, but plan to take a day or two off as it can really help you reset your mind state, and come back with a clearer mind.

4. Use constructive criticism as an opportunity for improvement.

During my off-season, I noticed a lot of holes in my system that could be improved by talking to my employees and long-time customers. I take this opportunity to refine and improve my system so we can do it better, which can ultimately lead to happier employees overall.

It’s important to remember that just like there are high seasons, your business can also have low seasons — but only low seasons.Right now, it’s hard to feel like things are going to get better, but you tell yourself this is only temporary really helps.

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