David Weintraub’s column on technology’s impact on our lives.

New York Times bestselling author and wildlife ecologist Carl Safina argues that humans should be called Narrator replace Homo sapiens, Storytelling Monkey, because stories play a central role in our lives. Thousands of years ago, the stories were told around the sacred fire and later on the back porch. Today they are told on YouTube, Instagram, and Tic Toc, but lack context, public connection, and in-person intimacy. They are shared by others and help us understand our place in the world, which has been the cornerstone of human civilization for thousands of years.

Those old stories entertain us, teach us lessons, help us feel connected to our ancestors, place us in the great chain of history, and connect our lives to the rest of the living world. Aboriginal people understand that nature means that all things are connected, and they know in their lives that anything taken away must be returned, otherwise the world will lose its balance. JuktaFollowing the right path is an important part of local life and is likely to be each A cultural trip, before we get lost.

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