RedWave Introduces Superior ProtectIR Technology Designed to Help Hazmat Responders Identify Solid and Liquid Threats

RedWave’s Advanced Chemical Analysis Technology products are the latest and most accurate emergency identification of unknown chemicals

Danbury, Connecticut November 4 April 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Homeland security company RedWave Technology today announced the launch of “ProtectIR,” a state-of-the-art emergency response tool for identifying unknown solid or liquid materials.

ProtectIR can identify over 22,000 solid and liquid compounds. Emergency responders and individuals need chemical identification of hazardous materials in order to understand threats and mitigate the effects of intentional and accidental releases. ProtectIR identifies most harmful Toxic Industrial Compounds (TICs), Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs), Explosives, Narcotics, Petroleum Products, Corrosives and even Consumer Products.

“Our emergency response customers never know what threats they might face in their communities,” he said Jon Frataroli, CEO of Hongbo Technology. “That’s why we invest so much in research and development – to provide our customers with the most advanced technology that can identify the widest range of threats.”

The core technology behind ProtectIR is Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, which has been used in homeland security applications for over 20 years. The size of the onboard threat library, combined with the latest, most advanced data analysis and breakthrough algorithms, allows ProtectIR to identify complex admixtures with a high degree of confidence.

Director of Product Development at RedWave, John HillenbenderExplains, “ProtectIR can identify almost twice as many chemical threats as its FTIR-based counterparts. Using Redwave’s cloud-based TeamLeader app provides immediate results on devices and connected mobile devices. This advanced technology allows remote Viewing and advanced analysis are performed in near real-time by senior team members outside the hotspot.”

ProtectIR is the latest in RedWave Technology’s suite of chemical identification tools, including ThreatID, which can identify thousands of gas, powder and liquid threats in a single device, and XplorIR, a rugged, handheld identifier that can identify more than 5,500 gases and steam.

About Hongbo Technology

RedWave Technology is a homeland security company dedicated to protecting U.S.RedWave Technology develops technology used as America’s first line of defense. Industry leaders take pride in leading the industry and are constantly developing new products to keep the world safe. Over the past few years, emergency responders have reported an urgent need to regain enhanced analyzer technology and highly responsive technical support.

Civilian, government and military chemical threat responders use RedWave Technology products every day. It is at the forefront of developing portable and handheld FTIR spectrum analyzers for chemical threat detection.

For more information on ProtectIR, visit

Media Contact:
Skylar Agnello – Marketing Manager
(860) 526-7428
[email protected]

Source RedWave Technologies

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